Changelog 2023-07-24

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GM Oreki
Posts: 525
Joined: Wed Apr 20, 2022 8:35 pm
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Changelog 2023-07-24

Post by GM Oreki »

Changelog 2023-07-24

Development Requests fulfilled


  • New Hairstyles added to the Stylist NPC (93 total new hairstyles)

    stylist.png (138.93 KiB) Viewed 16717 times
  • New Freebies NPC (prontera 157 197) - Information: Freebies

    freebies.png (102.09 KiB) Viewed 16717 times
  • New PvP Shop for points gained inside PvP Arenas only (prontera 166 160) with unique new costumes - You still get PK points in PvP but now you get PvP points too, so you get 2 types of points in PvP now.

    pvp_shop.png (40.77 KiB) Viewed 16717 times
  • @pvprank command added (Show Player Kill Rankings this month inside PvP Arenas)
  • New Monthly Rankings reward for points gained inside PvP Arenas only - Information: Monthly Rankings
  • Costumes added to Cash Shop
  • Costumes added to Costume Shop (Upper 3, Lower)
  • Costumes added to MVP Shop
  • Costumes added to Auto Event Reward Box
  • Trivia Instance reward increased to 15x Gold Coins
  • Magma Disaster Instance reward increased to 12x Bloody Branch and 3x Mithril Coin
  • Late Summer Cash Points Bonus added on donations - lasting until 31 August


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