Card stacking calculation bug

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Card stacking calculation bug

Post by Akshani »

Hello there,

the title could be click-baity or the whole post redundant rather, since I haven't actually tested it yet. Since there is always variance in the dmg dealt, it is not the most convenient to test. If the web Ragnarok calculators reflect their results in the game as well, then I'd assume that the card stacking formular, in some cases, is bugged.

One of my calculations involved a Mace[4] vs Lord Knight Seyren [MVP].

Mace[4] /w:
3x Abysmal Knight + 1x Hydra

performs better than

2x AK + 1x Hydra +1x Vadon

Even though:

3x Abysmal Knight + 1x Hydra:
(1+(0,25+0,25+0,25))*(1+(0,2)) = 2,1

2x AK + 1x Hydra +1x Vadon:
(1+(0,25+0,25))*(1+(0,2))*(1+(0,2)) = 2,16

Unless I'm wrong about the formular and/or the stacking being incorrect merely on the RO calc websites, I'd be happy about a fix or a confirmation that the stacking actually functions correctly on the server. I might also be completely missing something in terms of how the stacking calculations work in general.

Best regards
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Re: Card stacking calculation bug

Post by Broman »

the MVP has a skill to change its element from fire to holy/ghost. so maybe in your testing you hit him when he was NOT fire. that makes the vadon card useless. but since he is always demi human, the hydra works every time.

your calculation is correct tho
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