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Reflect doesn't work when you die in LMS and BG [closed]

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2023 5:13 pm
by Choi
I tested by dying from intrepidenigma A LOT in BG and LMS and asking him if he took damage.
Even with Orc Lord, Valk Mant, and Paladin reflect shield, if I die from asura the reflect damage doesn't seem to be received by the caster. However, if I don't die, the damage will be received. In PvP and WoE, the reflect damage does go off no matter what. Additionally, it seems that auto guard doesn't work in BG either.

I can't find anything that says the behavior should be this way, and I would assume reflect should still work in those game modes.

Re: Reflect doesn't work when you die in LMS and BG

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2023 7:13 pm
by GM Oreki
Hi Choi,

Thank you for reporting this.

The reason reflect doesn't trigger in LMS and BG after death and works when the player is still alive is because the player is warped immediately after they die and warp precedes reflect in the order of execution.

Auto Guard works fine in BG. Please try again.