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Posted: Wed May 03, 2023 11:31 pm
by GM Oreki
Hi everyone,

Thank you for making this request Krator.

Casting some Soul Linker buffs on others is not disabled on official servers. It's just less common there because it requires the Soul Linker to be buffed with a Soul Linker Spirit buff which can't be cast on self so requiring 2 Soul Linkers to buff each other before they can cast some of their skills on others.

We have the Soul Linker NPC here so this process is a lot easier.

Nevertheless, this is not something that needs to be disabled. Since the Soul Linker class is normally uncommon most players don't get the chance to learn about it and therefore don't know how to deal with it. A sudden anomaly with no clue how to counter is disturbing so your request makes full sense, but if you just learn more about the class, you will find that it's fair enough and easy to counter /no1

Topic closed.